Xicito.com Review: Genuine or Fraudulent Online Store

Is xicito.com a scam online store? Or is xicito.com legit? Because we are concerned about the financial safety of our readers, we did an extensive research and made a review on Xicito. Please read our review before you decide if you should shop on this online store.

What Is xicito.com?

Xicito is an e-commerce store which claims to sell high quality products ranging from decorative lights, children’s toys, home appliances among others. And they claim to provide free shipping for orders over $39.99. Xicito is located on www.xicito.com.

Xicito Online Store image
Xicito Online Store

How Does xicito.com Work?

Xicito claims to sell top quality products at very affordable rates on their online store. They are giving promotion discounts on all goods on their store to attract buyers: an $18 discount off three orders, $37 off six orders, and $56 off nine orders. Xicito.com uses a very neat and well-designed website layout, with a good user interface using the hamburger menu bar, giving it a convincing feel. Xicito accept payments made through Visa, MasterCard, and PayPal.

What We Found about xicito.com!

Many customers who bought from Xicito complained about not receiving their orders after making payments. Their website, xicito.com, after passing through series of tests, shows it is less than six months old. The contents used on their webpages, including pictures, were copied from other sources, as we have frequently encountered same contents in other fraudulent online stores. The other things we found out about Xicito which made us believe xicito.com is a fake online store are:

  • The products sampled on xicito.com are without customer reviews.
  • They have no contact information. No About Us page.
  • No information was found on the company or the people behind Xicito
  • The owner of the domain name, xicito.com, is hidden.
  • Xicito has no physical address.
  • They have no social media accounts in this age where all legit businesses have social media handles.


Xicito.com is an untrustworthy online store like theparisqueen, fashinning, vernalike, shopspade, and cottonsale. They are therefore not recommended for use. They may be after your card details which they can use to hack into your bank account and steal from you. If you buy from them, they will likely take your money and give you nothing in return. Protect yourself from swindlers.

There are many untrustworthy online stores on the internet promising to sell top notch products but at heavily discounted rates. It is common to come across these e-commerce stores offering good looking products at appetizing prices. And in the end, such stores usually turn out to be fraudulent. Most people attracted by these “too good to be true” prices from the online stores have bought goods of their liking but received something different from what they had ordered, and of poor quality. Worse, some have placed orders with full payment yet received nothing but silence from the online vendors. You do not have to become one of them to learn from their experience. It is unfair to fall victim to these fraudsters and lose the money you earned from honest work. Fact checking should be a priority before you buy anything from an online vendor.

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By Zino

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