Reviews: Searching for Vaveluz reviews? Read this to know if Vaveluz is a legit store selling smartwatch and jewelry?

What Is

Vaveluz, located on, is an online store that claims to sell rings, necklaces, bracelets, and watches. They offer to ship and deliver worldwide.

Contact Information:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +1-202-555-0148
Address: 1000 Vermont Ave NW, Washington, DC, 20005, USA

Payment Methods:

  • Apple Pay
  • OPay
  • PayPal
  • Credit/Debit Card
Vaveluz reviews
Vaveluz Homepage

How Does Work?

Vaveluz claims to sell top quality jewelry and state-of-the-art smartwatches at very fair rates on their online store, but should you trust them? They are currently running a promo they call “Overhaul Sale”. In this promo, they claim that everything is free at checkout. But this is something to be sceptical about. Even Amazon, with all their money, haven’t offered free sales.

Things that look too good to be true are usually not good.

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What We Found About!

We found a few positive reviews about Vaveluz on the internet, each one not less than three days old. We are aware that the people behind the store could be responsible for those favourable reviews. It is not a new encounter for us. claims to have been established since 1987; however, when we passed their website through a series of tests, we discovered it is less than six months old and, therefore, should not be trusted. And because it is very recent, there is no past timeline through which we can measure their authenticity.

The other things which we found out about Vaveluz which made us suspect could be a fake online store are:

Anonymous Lots

There are no faces behind this platform. No one to hold to account should things go wrong. And the information of those behind their domain creation was hidden from whois data.

The absence of a real face to account for the operations of the store is a big red flag.


The products sampled on are without customer reviews, which is a bad sign. Reliable online stores like Amazon usually carry mixed customer reviews, both positive and negative, on the products sampled on their store.

When we scanned their site on ScamDoc (a website analysis platform), it returned a very bad trust score of 2%. This means that their site can’t be trusted because no identifying information of the owner is tied to the domain name.

Verdict!, like Likeuhome, is an untrustworthy online store, and, therefore, not recommended for use. If you shop from them, you stand the risk of losing your money but getting no product in return.

There are many untrustworthy online stores on the internet promising to sell top-notch products but at heavily discounted rates.

It is common to come across these e-commerce stores offering good looking products at appetizing prices. But, in the end, such stores usually turn out to be fraudulent.

Most people attracted by these “too good to be true” prices from these online stores have bought goods of their liking but received something different from what they had ordered, and of poor quality.

Worse, some have placed orders with full payment yet received nothing but silence from the online vendors. You do not have to become one of them to learn from their experience.

It is unfair to fall victim to these fraudsters and lose the money you earned from honest work. Fact-checking should be a priority before you buy anything from an online vendor.

If you’ve shopped from this store, or attempted to do so, kindly share your experience with us in the comment section.

By Zino

One thought on “Vaveluz Review: Is Scam? [NEW]”
  1. I ordered on 1st March and the stuff hasnt arrived,I am convinced that it is a scam but I wasted $40 on that website, and would like to know if you know how I could get my money back.

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