Review: Genuine or Fraudulent Investment Platform

Is to be trusted? Or is unreliable? Because we are concerned about the financial safety of our readers, we did an extensive research and made a review on Keeper-money. Please read our review before you decide if you should throw your time, expectation, and money into this platform.

What Is

Keeper-money is a high yield investment company from the UK which claims to be operating in the cryptocurrency mining and trading market since 2013. They are, allegedly, legally run and have all the necessary licenses and permissions to conduct their business.

Keeper-money is located on They promise to provide a completely new level of passive income and their contact information is:
Email: [email protected]
Address: 325 Euston RD, London, United Kingdom, NW1 3AD

Keeper-money image

How Does Work?

Keeper-money claims to run a platform designed to return unbelievable profit is so short a time. They have different investment plans: The least returns a 0.5% daily profit for 600 days, while the largest plan returns a 1500% profit after 100 days of investment. The supposed assurance and profitability of investing with keeper-money would be attractive to any investor. But is to be trusted? uses a very neat and well-designed website layout, with a good and believable user interface, giving it a convincing feel. Working with them, as they claim, entails having access to high trading technologies which would help reduce the time required to study market trends.

What We Found about!

Keeper-money claims to be a legally regulated and registered company but this is not a reliable information. We are aware that getting a verified company registration credential, especially from Company House, is not a guarantee of authenticity. Their website,, after passing through series of tests, shows it is very recent. The reasons why you should be weary of investing your money with Keeper-money are:

  • Their certifications and testimonials are unverified and therefore could be false, a way to win the trust of unsuspecting investors.
  • We found no information on the company or the people behind keeper-money. This is a red flag, as there is no one to hold accountable should things go south.
  • Keeper-money promises to provide long term investment plans but we discovered that their domain is a short life expectancy domain and could go offline at any moment.

Verdict!, despite seeming reliable, should be approached with caution. As there is always a risk factor in any investment, and also a possibility of loss. Never forget to invest with money you can afford to lose. Business models like this are never sustainable and could crash at any time.

There are many untrustworthy investment websites on the internet promising get rich quick options. Most people attracted by these “too good to be true” ROIs from these sites have invested their money expecting profit but lost everything in the end. You do not have to become one of them to learn from their experience. It is unfair to fall victim to fraud and lose the money you earned from honest work. Fact checking should be a priority before you throw in money into any online investment scheme.


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By Zino

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